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  1. Chikae Tatsumi. "Mycorrhizal fungal impacts on soil microbiome and biogeochemistry" Microbes Brew: The Fungus Among Us, The MIT Microbiome Club, Cambridge, MA. December 2022

  2. Chikae Tatsumi. "Mycorrhizal fungal effects on biogeochemical cycling and free-living microbial communities 
    under global changes
    " Arnold Arboretum Research Talks, Harvard University, Boston, MA. November 2022.

  3. Chikae Tatsumi. "Mycorrhizal fungi as a driver of biogeochemical cycling" The 12th Japan-US seminar in Plant Pathology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. August 2022.

  4. Chikae Tatsumi. "Interactions among microbes, biogeochemical cycling, and global change"  Ecology, Behavior & Evolution, and Marine Biology Chalk Talk, Boston University, Boston, MA. October 2021.

  5. Chikae Tatsumi, Takeshi Taniguchi, Sheng Du, Norikazu Yamanaka, Ryunosuke Tateno. "Relationship between forest mycorrhizal type and nitrogen-cycling functions of soil microbial communities: Implications from the rhizosphere scale to the ecosystem scale" Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America in Long Beach, CA (Virtual). August 2021.

  6. 龍見史恵. "土壌DNAから理解する微生物群集の物質循環機能 —外生菌根菌の重要性と系内の微生物間相互作用—" 京都大学生存圏研究所 第264回定例オープンセミナー. 京都大学, 京都 (オンライン). 2020年12月. 

  7. Chikae Iwaoka. "Plant nitrogen utilization affected by different soil nitrogen dynamics in semiarid forests" The 2nd CER-NIE Joint Symposium, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. December 2017.


  1. Chikae Tatsumi, Terumasa Yamamoto, Akari Kimura, Johnson Oraegbunam, Jennifer M. Bhatnagar, Yoshitaka Uchida. "Microbiome in different habitats within a dairy farm is connected" Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America in Montreal, Canada. August 2022. Poster.

  2. Vieyiti Kouadio, Chikae Tatsumi, Jennifer M. Bhatnagar. "Urban greenspace type effects soil physicochemical characteristics" The Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) Internship Program Poster Symposium in Boston, MA. August 2022. Poster.

  3. Jose A. Resendiz, Chikae Tatsumi, Jennifer M. Bhatnagar. "Effects of urbanization on soil nitrogen cycling" The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program Poster Symposium in Boston, MA. August 2022. Poster.

  4. Nicky Mosharaf, Kathryn Atherton, Chikae Tatsumi, Jennifer M. Bhatnagar. "How does urbanization impact connections between fungi?" The Greater Boston Research Opportunities for Young Women (GROW) Program Poster Symposium in Boston, MA. August 2022. Poster.

  5. Akari Kimura, Nao Ishige, Chikae Tatsumi, Yoshitaka Uchida. "Rapid nitrification induced by repeated nitrogen fertilizers depends on the diversity gradient of soil microbial community" The World Congress of Soil Science 2022 in Glasgow, Scotland. August 2022. Poster.

  6. Takamitsu Ohigashi, Chikae Tatsumi, Termuasa Yamamoto, Nyein Chan SoeHokuto Nakata, Shouta Nakayama, Mayumi Ishizuka, Yoshitaka Uchida. "Changes in the soil microbial-driven nitrogen cycle by the presence of mice in heavy metal contaminated and organic amended soils" The 69th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan in Fukuoka, Japan (Virtual). March 2022. Oral.

  7. Gen Takahashi, Chikae Tatsumi, Takamitsu Ohigashi, Yvonne Madegwa, Yoshitaka Uchida. "Impacts of earthworms and plants on fungal and bacterial diversity in various soil compartments" The 69th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan in Fukuoka, Japan (Virtual). March 2022. Poster.

  8. Hirofumi Kajino, Misaki Fukui, Yutaro Fujimoto, Rei Fujii, Tomohiro Yokobe, Chikae Tatsumi, Tetsuto Sugai, Naoki Okada, Ryosuke Nakamura. "Variations in soil nutrient availabilities and leaf nutrient concentrations in temperate karst and non-karst forests on Mount Ibuki, Japan" The 69th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan in Fukuoka, Japan (Virtual). March 2022. Poster.

  9. Chikae Tatsumi, Kathryn Atherton, Sarah Garvey, Lucy Hutyra, Pamela H. Templer, Jennifer M. Bhatnagar. "Negative impacts of urbanization and forest fragmentation on soil ectomycorrhizal fungi and microbial community networks" American Geophysical Union 2021 Fall Meeting in New Orleans, LA. December 2021. Oral.

  10. Chikae Tatsumi, Jin-Feng Lin, Munehide Ishiguro, Yoshitaka Uchida. “Soil fungal and bacterial communities in paddy fields under natural farming and conventional farming” Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition in Hokkaido, Japan (Virtual). September 2021. Poster. ポスター賞!

  11. 高橋玄, 龍見史恵, 内田義崇. "粗大マクロ団粒形成の促進: 植物種・ミミズ・微生物相互作用は土壌構造改良にどう寄与するか?" 2021年度土壌肥料学会大会. 北海道 (オンライン). 2021年9月. 口頭.

  12. 長田彬, 龍見史恵, 内田義崇. "鉛汚染濃度- 脱窒活性- 機能遺伝子量の関連性~ストレス下の機能活性は機能遺伝子量に比例しているのか~" 2021年度土壌肥料学会大会. 北海道 (オンライン). 2021年9月. 口頭.

  13. 山本皓正, 龍見史恵, 内田義崇. "土壌、牧草、糞、堆肥、牛舎内で微生物叢はどう相互作用しうるのか~北海道酪農場を用いたケーススタディ~" 2021年度土壌肥料学会大会. 北海道 (オンライン). 2021年9月. 口頭.

  14. Chidozie Johnson Oraegbunam, Akari Kimura, Chikae Tatsumi, Yoshitaka Uchida. "Effects of bacterial communities from dung and soil on greenhouse gas emission under Japanese dairy farms" Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition in Hokkaido, Japan (Virtual). September 2021. Poster.

  15. Chikae Tatsumi, Takeshi Taniguchi, Sheng Du, Norikazu Yamanaka, Ryunosuke Tateno. "The reciprocal soil transplant experiment between different mycorrhizal forests separated the effects of mycorrhizal fungi and substrate on soil nitrogen transformation" Eurosoil 2021 in Geneva, Switzerland (Virtual). August 2021. Oral.

  16. Kathryn Atherton, Chikae Tatsumi, Sarah Garvey, Lucy Hutyra, Pamela H. Templer, Jennifer M. Bhatnagar. "How does urbanization impact connections within the soil microbiome?" Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America in Long Beach, CA (Virtual). August 2021. Oral.

  17. Gen Takahashi, Chikae Tatsumi, Yoshitaka Uchida. "Does the interaction of plant-earthworm-microbes contribute to improving the soil structure?: From the view of soil aggregate formation" The 9th EAFES International Congress in Hohhot, China (Virtual). June 2021. Poster.

  18. Chikae Tatsumi, Akari Kimura, Johnson Oraegbunam, Yoshitaka Uchida. "Microbiome cycling in dairy farms: Journeys from environments to cow intestines and soils" The 68th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan in Okayama, Japan (Virtual). March 2021. Oral.

  19. Johnson Oraegbunam, Akari Kimura, Chikae Tatsumi, Yoshitaka Uchida. "Variability of dung and soil characteristics in Japanese dairy farms and its impact on greenhouse gas emissions" The 68th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan in Okayama, Japan (Virtual). March 2021. Oral.

  20. Toru Hamamoto, Chikae Tatsumi, Nhamo Nhamo, Yoshitaka Uchida, David Chikoye. "Effects of land-use change on soil bacterial/fungal community in two different textured soils in Zambia" The 68th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan in Okayama, Japan (Virtual). March 2021. Poster.

  21. Anna Saito, Chikae Tatsumi, Yoshitaka Uchida. "Comparison of the fate of added carbon and nitrogen between fungi-dominated and bacteria-dominated soil" The 68th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan in Okayama, Japan (Virtual). March 2021. Poster.

  22. Akira Nagata, Chikae Tatsumi, Yoshitaka Uchida. "Evaluation for denitrification under lead pollution" The 68th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan in Okayama, Japan (Virtual). March 2021. Poster.

  23. Ryosuke Nakamura, Chikae Tatsumi, Hirofumi Kajino, Yutaro Fujimoto, Rei Fujii, Tomohiro Yokobe, Naoki Okada. "Microbial decomposition ability in cool-temperate forests on contrasting rock types in Japan" The 68th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan in Okayama, Japan (Virtual). March 2021. Poster.

  24. Gen Takahashi, Chikae Tatsumi, Yoshitaka Uchida. "Accelerating coarse-macro-aggregate formation: Investigation of plant-earthworm-microbe interactions in oligotrophic soil" The 68th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan in Okayama, Japan (Virtual). March 2021. Poster. ポスター賞!

  25. 龍見史恵. "森林の窒素循環を駆動する真菌・細菌群集" 土壌微生物 × 物質循環ワークショップ. 北海道 (オンライン).  2021年1月. 口頭.

  26. Toru Hamamoto, Chikae Tatsumi, Nhamo Nhamo, David Chikoye, Yoshitaka Uchida. "Soil microbial community response to land-use change at different soil depths in two contrasting soils in Zambia" Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition in Okayama, Japan (Virtual). September 2020. Poster.

  27. Chikae Tatsumi, Takeshi Taniguchi, Sheng Du, Norikazu Yamanaka, Ryunosuke Tateno. "Mycorrhizal fungi determine soil nitrogen cycling and its microbial drivers through the nitrogen competition rather than soil physicochemical properties" Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting in Louisville, KY. August 2019. Poster.

  28. Chikae Tatsumi, Takeshi Taniguchi, Sheng Du, Norikazu Yamanaka, Ryunosuke Tateno. "Soil N cycling is more strongly determined by forest type due to the difference in mycorrhizal type than by geographical distance along the aridity gradient" American Geophysical Union 2018 Fall Meeting in Washington, DC. December 2018. Poster.

  29. Chikae Tatsumi (Iwaoka), Takeshi Taniguchi, Sheng Du, Norikazu Yamanaka, Ryunosuke Tateno. "Does the response of soil nitrogen dynamics and microbial community to an artificial rainfall differ depending on the forest type, especially the mycorrhizal type?" the 103rd Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA. August 2018. Poster. 

  30. Chikae Iwaoka, Shogo Imada, Takeshi Taniguchi, Sheng Du, Norikazu Yamanaka and Ryunosuke Tateno. "The soil prokaryotic community under halophytic tamarisk shrubs compared to barren areas and grass patches in drylands" The 8th East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies International Congress in Aichi, Japan. April 2018. Poster.

  31. Wakana Azuma, Akira Nakanishi, Natsuki Komada, Chikae Iwaoka, Yuya Ogawa, Keisuke Nishida, Yuiko Noguchi, Hiroaki Ishii, Mamoru Kanzaki. "Canopy plant community and arboreal soil characteristics of large Cercidiphyllum japonicum in Ashiu research forest, Japan" The 8th East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies International Congress in Aichi, Japan. April 2018. Poster.

  32. Chikae Iwaoka, Takeshi Taniguchi, Sheng Du, Norikazu Yamanaka, Ryunosuke Tateno. "Soil microbial communities associated with each step in nitrogen transformation along a rainfall gradient in semiarid forests" the 65th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan, Hokkaido, Japan. March 2018. Oral. 英語口頭発表賞!

  33. 東 若菜, 中西 晃, 駒田 夏生, 岩岡 史恵, 小川 裕也, 西田 圭佑, 野口 結子, 石井 弘明, 神崎 護. "芦生研究林内保存木の保全生態学的研究-着生植物群集と林冠土壌―" 第65回日本生態学会大会. 北海道. 2018年3月. ポスター.

  34. Chikae Iwaoka, Fujio Hyodo, Takeshi Taniguchi, Weiyu Shi, Sheng Du, Norikazu Yamanaka, Ryunosuke Tateno. “The symbiotic relationship between dominant canopy trees and soil microbes affects the nitrogen source utilization of co-existing understory trees” American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting in New Orleans, LA. December 2017. Poster.

  35. 舘野隆之輔, 中山理智, 岩岡史恵, 谷口武士, 福澤加里部. "圧密処理が土壌の窒素動態と微生物群集動態に与える影響" The 第128回森林学会大会. 鹿児島. 2017年3月. ポスター.

  36. 岩岡史恵, 谷口武士, 山中典和, 杜盛, 舘野隆之輔. "半乾燥地の森林土壌における真菌・原核生物機能群組成と窒素動態" 第64回日本生態学会. 東京. 2017年3月. ポスター. ポスター賞!

  37. Chikae Iwaoka, Weiyu Shi, Sheng Du, Takeshi Taniguchi, Norikazu Yamanaka, Ryunosuke Tateno. "The effects of mycorrhizal type of dominant tree species on nitrogen cycling in semi-arid forests in Loess Plateau, China" Arid Land Research Center Joint Research Meeting in Tottori, Japan. December 2016. Poster. ポスター賞!

  38. 岩岡史恵, 谷口武士, 山中典和, 杜盛, 舘野隆之輔. "半乾燥地の菌根菌タイプの異なる2つの森林における窒素動態と微生物動態" 第127回森林学会大会. 神奈川. 2016年3月. ポスター.

  39. 岩岡史恵, 今田省吾, 谷口武士, 山中典和, 杜盛, 舘野隆之輔. "中国黄土高原の草原植生において塩生植物タマリスク個体が土壌窒素動態および微生物群集に与える影響" 第63回日本生態学会大会. 宮城. 2016年3月. ポスター.

  40. 岩岡史恵,今田省吾,谷口武士,山中典和,杜盛, 舘野隆之輔. "中国黄土高原北西部のタマリスク林が塩類土壌の塩分濃度と無機態窒素動態に与える影響" 第125回日本森林学会大会. 北海道. 2015年3月. 口頭.

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